Monday, November 16, 2009

Prep for Winter Touring

I spent the day Sunday in the village of Tiefenbach while my sons were training with the USYS State Soccer team. It's about halfway between Heilbronn and Heidelberg in an area of low hills and vineyards. With winter coming on, I've been trying to get in shape for some serious ski touring, so I took advantage of the day and did some nordic walking in the countryside. I guess I did about 8 kilometers of fast-paced hiking with ski poles and by the end of the afternoon I felt like I had really accomplished something.
I also got to spend time in the woods, which is always a great way to spend the day.
I've begun to do some "unconventional" training techniques to get in shape. I was inspired by a newsletter put out by a guy by the name of Michael Geary. His web site contains lots of ideas for ski-related workouts that will build leg strength and all-around stamina.

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